The Ballad of Design

Louis Rios
2 min readDec 15, 2020

So a bit of a hectic week. Couldn’t keep up with the 40 days of blendr, but that doesn’t mean I am finished with it. I made it easier on myself by locating my apple mouse because trying to align items without it was so hard.

Today I got contacted for a potential position with the AKC which is actually pretty cool considering I finished that pet adoption platform using them and a few others as inspiration. ALSO I love dogs and animals in general so that would actually be pretty cool to work on a platform with them. I actually use AKC when reading about breeds I am unfamiliar with, thats how I got my Shiba… Kilala. I was able to discern her markings even though they didn’t have papers and negotiated a lower cost when I got her. (Yay for bargaining and my love of dogs).

So I created a quick case study showcasing various points that myself and a colleague worked on together. Using angle for the mockups which ironically kinda blows…. and skews half the images unless done a certain way. I was able to select some of the more refined ones and use them to showcase as well as some custom iconography I did along the way. Next I will add some branding on shirts and other small doodads to kinda showcase my efforts of graphic design thus far. (See previous meme for how awesome I am again)

Tmmrw starts a new day. Busy for me but I will make it a priority to do 2 hours of graphic design and hopefully 2 hours of blendr. Maintain that everyday and can hopefully upgrade my skillset a bit. It is super fun designing in blendr currently am working on creating rocks (sounds so exciting 😅) and a sword in a stone. It’s bland I know. But hopefully its a way for me to get into the gaming industry. It’s succeed here or burn down the current regime and start over, either way I am happy with either choice

Here I come guys.




Louis Rios

UX creative, ill mostly try to talk about design but i can’t help myself if I break into other subjects.